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Team Facilitation

Building trust for better results and more engaged people 

Strong teams are your company's greatest asset

Yet can be the hardest thing to build

A study published in 2014 suggested that working together fuels intrinsic motivation, leading to team members persisting longer when a task is challenging, enjoying the task to a greater extent and performing better. Teamwork can boost retention by engendering a sense of belonging and fulfilment which is powerful beyond pay and benefits. 

When you look at your team and those teams around you, how many are truly 'high performing'. I suspect not that many. Taking the time to build the trust and commitment that's needed to build a genuinely collaborative team can be a challenge when deadlines are raining around you and the task list is growing ever longer.

That's where I come in. I will work with you and your team to create a safe space to have the conversations that need to be had. Your team members will come to know themselves and each other better, improving how they have difficult conversations and driving accountability for the results you need to see.

It's not just about the results though, often we spend more waking moments with our team mates than our friends and family. To have that sense of trust and connection gives everyone a great reason to come to work.  If that's what you'd like to see in your organisation, get in touch and let's see how I can help.